growth and innovation

attracting people

Karlstad Innovation Park

a landing place for individuals and businesses focused on growth and innovation

We believe that ideas develop in a context and Karlstad Innovation Park is a community making you part of something greater. We are a hub attracting people, spreading ideas, trends, enhancing knowledge building and competence.


We believe in co-creation and bringing together competences and people from different fields. There is a standing invitation for individuals and companies across the globe to join our community, digitally or by renting an office.

Karlstad Innovation Park is populated by people who work in a variety of fields and range everything from startups to research institutes.

Examples on areas we cover are bio economy, ICT, virtual reality, tech, service design, public transport development.   



Karlstad Innovation Park
Sommargatan 101A
656 37 Karlstad

Photo: Susanne Walström/